Diabetes Management Board Game
SugarVita is a board game that can help people suffering from Diabetes to simulate their day and get a better understanding of the consequences of their actions. For more information about SugarVita and my share during my 6 month internship, you can visit my graduation portfolio.
Allthough I can't show a lot of the code in SugarVita, I can show a little bit. The following code has to do with the virtual opponent I made. After playing the game you can save your playthrough to a server and later you and others can fetch this playthrough and can use it as an automatically playing opponent which mimics your exact moves in your old playthrough. This way you can learn what to do and what not to do from others or from your past self
The code below shows a single responsibility setup for saving a playthrough to the GameBus servers. Every class has their own task and in the end, all relevant data is added to a list of propertyInstances. This is the only way how GameBus accepts their data onto their servers. When fetching, the same single responsibility is used, but then by converting the JSON to proper variables that can be used during a playthrough in order to get the exact same result the player got when they created their playthrough.
What I learned
I learned a lot working on SugarVita. It has been a really big project on and of with only 1 other developer. Some of the most important things I learned or improved upon are listed below
- Communication with stakeholders (especially non technical people)
- Explaining technical features in simple terms, so everyone can understand what is going on
- Independent decision making
- Working on existing code made by others
- Clean project structure (code & folders)